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Pest Control and Bed Bug Blog for Macon, Perry, Cordele, Americus, Fitzgerald, & Albany GA

Wednesday, February 12 2014
The Spring Pest Swarm is Coming to Middle Georgia, Perry, Cordele, and Americus!

During this time of the year in Middle Georgia, which is places like pest control in Perry GA, and exterminating in Americus GA, bugs are not moving around as voraciously becuase of the colder weather.  Even mosquitos tend to survive the cold, as most bugs do, however they move much slower than they do in warmer weather.  They are also not as apt to reproduce during this time.  Mosquitos, it has been shown, can survive in temperatures well beneath freezing, which is why they are not completely wiped out during the winter, and survive anew each season.  Some pests like bed bugs, that survive mostly indoors are unaffected by the weather, however.  

This Spring, however, pests tend to swarm, especially termites, and believe it or not, although many customers handle pest control in there home with an "out of sight, out of mind" approach, this is actually the best season to begin to prepare to protect your home from bugs and pests that would otherwise invade or destroy your home.  Our bait station and spray treatments can keep your home from incurring the termite swarm, and our standard pest control services in Cordele, where our home office is located, can keep your home bug and pest free not only through the time of year where bugs are not normally showing up, but also keep them from showing up when they tend to swarm.

Pest control is an industry of management, and if you manage it all year long, your home will be better cared for in the long run, and protected from insects that will harm your home and your healthy living environment.  

As Always, Cobra Exterminating Company is here to help you with any of your pest control needs.  We serve communities all over Middle Georgia, including Perry, Americus, and Cordele.  Please call us if you have any quesitons.  We kill bugs of all kinds, including termites, ants, silverfish, roaches, palmetto bugs and bed bugs.

Posted by: Carl Brown AT 12:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 24 2014

If you have silverfish in your home, you may have a host of other bugs and pests as well that you may be wondering how to get rid of.  Silverfish are small insects that are silver in color, thus their name, and it walks almost like a fish swims.  They do have small legs that can be seen as well.  Most are in the range of an inch to half an inch in length, and these bugs are common to the middle Georgia area, including area like the ones we live in:  Perry GA, Cordele GA, Americus GA, and Fitzgerald GA.   Many times they can be found in bathroom areas, as they like humid, moist environments.  You may find them near the shower or the tub drain, as they are often seen there.  They can also be found in your kitchen cupboards, basements, laundry rooms, attics and areas underneath sinks, where moisture collects. There are some things that you can do to get rid of these pests, so we would like to leave you with some tips to help you be rid of them.  

To get rid of silverfish, and many other common pests, follow the following instructions:


  1. Eliminate Places where they enter the home. They often come in where pipes enter the home, or sometimes where electrical wiring comes in as well.  If you seal these areas up tight with caulk or similar, it can make a radical difference in the number of bugs and pests that are able to enter your home.

  2. Alter the Conditions in Your Home. Silverfish parcticularly like it humid and moist.  If you use a dehumidifier, or make sure that the towels in your bathroom dry completely, it can remove the places they thrive in--  and thus, they will find other more suitable environments, outside of your home--  or they die from a less than favorable environment.

If you're worried about these bugs biting you or your family members, they do not bite, so you don't have to worry, however they are often a nuissance if you don't like bugs in your house.

If you've followed our recommendations, and you still continue to have silverfish or pest control problems, then it's time to call in the experts at Cobra Exterminating Company.  We have decades of service and can help to remove any bugs, wildlife, termites, or pests that you may find in your home.  Call us today at:  229-322-2504.

Posted by: Carl Brown AT 02:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 02 2014
Wildlife Control in Georgia

With winter here, wildlife--  including mice, rats, squirrels, raccoons, and other small animals are looking nice warm place to spend during the winter. Your home, because it is warm, is as good a place as any, especially if wildlife like bats, rats, flying squirrels and mice find their ways into your, basement, attic or crawlspace. Animals like these are looking for a safe and secure environment to bed down in, that is out of the freezing weather, and that will protect them through the cold winter months.  Most houses meet those requirements, especially if there is an obvious way into the home, like through small gaps in siding. You would be amazed at how small a space a flying squirrel or a rat can fit through and gain access to your home.  If you have have obvious issues like that, you should consider some pest-proofing techniques to keep Georgia wildlife out of your home or business.  

To keep these troublesome critters from intruding into your domicile, make sure that your home is not easily penetrated by pests and wildlife. Eliminate all possible areas where animals can enter your home, particularly around the attic by covering the attic exhaust fans and or exhuast vents with a wire-type mesh that is stapled in place.  We have seen many hot tubs ruined as well by rodents that seek refuge in the warmth of a hot tub interior and chew all the insulation, wiring, and potentially actual holes in the tub itself. Make sure that you cover soffit vents with the same wire-material and inspect your roof, vents, soffits and fascias for any signs of damage or deterioration, regularly. Make sure you pay attention to any places where gables, valleys, hip roofs, or dormers meet the top of your house.  These places are often first to cause roofing problems as well, which in turn makes them hold water when they are damaged, and these places also make it easy for animals to create holes where they can enter your home. Chimneys are also places where animals, rodents, and birds can enter your home, and or cause a nuisance if you use your fireplace.  

Some rats called roof rats, have even been shown to be migratory, and can enter your attic, leave, and return another season.

Here are some steps you can follow to keep wildlife under control in your Georgia, Cordele, Perry GA, Americus, Albany GA, Fitzgerald GA, or Tifton GA home:


  • Make sure to eliminate dog food or bird food from feeders.  These often draw wildlife, especially possums to the outside of your home and bring them close.  Many homes have regular wildlife visitors to these feeding stations.

  • Keep trash cans outside covered securely, and with heavy or tightly fitting lids.  Raccoons in particular have been known to be clever enough to open trash cans that do not have secure lids.

  • Install fencing around waste containers which provide wildlife exclusion.

  • Keep firewood stacked away from your home, outbuildings, and fences.

  • Eliminate dead trees which are often inhabited by wildlife and can keep them near to your home.

  • Also, keep tree branches and shrubbery off of your home, as these provide easy access for animals into your home.

Wildlife animals can also be dangerous to domesticated animals, as well as spreading diseases like rabies.  Wildlife animals are also known for transmitting ticks and fleas. Animals can also be aggressive, especially when they are protecting their young.  Be careful with these, that you do not approach them as some can be dangerous to you or children.   

If you are dealing with pests or wildlife inside your home, attic, or crawlspace this winter, don’t hesitate to call the professionals at Cobra Extermination Company. We can help control wildlife, pests, mice, rats, other rodents and other insects and pests. 

We serve Cordele, Perry, Tifton, Fitzgerald, Albany, Americus, Ocilla, and the entire Middle Georgia area.  We also are Bed Bug Exterminators.  Call us Cobra Exterminators at:  229.322.2504

Posted by: Carl Brown AT 02:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 30 2013
Pest Control in Georgia

Many people think that doing their own pest control is a savings when in actuality it is not--  it can be more expensive, and actually more toxic for your family.  The professional pest control industry has undergone quite a revolution in the past 5 years, particularly where "green" chemicals are concerned.  The overwhelming majority of chemicals that are applied inside a home are non-toxic for humans, and are actually considered green, which help those who enlist the services of those companies to maintain a healthy environment for their families.  Cobra Exterminating Company uses environmentally friendly chemicals wherever possible, as they provide:  Pest control in Perry GA, extermination in Cordele, Adel Ga, Fitzgerald GA, Albany GA, and Americus GA.  If your home isn't in that geographical area, we probably service your home-- as we also service all of Middle Georgia.

These chemicals, although green, are just as effective as their toxic counterparts at killing all kinds of bugs, including: termites, ants, roaches, cockroaches, millipedes, centipedes, and a host of other pests that might normally invade the home.  

In addition to environmentally friendly chemicals, new procedures are also available which assist in pest control. For example, bed bugs are reasonably impervious to the majority of non-toxic chemicals.  These bugs, while present prior to the 1950's, were virtually eliminated completely by DDT.  DDT however, was outlawed for home use because of its injurious nature to human life, and new strategies were necessary in order to defeat the creatures.  Heat treatments are the latest accomplishment in bed bug removal, and are extremely effective at making a home clean and free of these annoying insects.  

Termite treatments have changed significantly over the years as well. There was a time we were often drilling through concrete to treat a home, but more often than not, termite stations are used now, or the termidor treatments can be used as well which are extremely effective at eliminating these wood eating insects, which inevitably protects your home.

Posted by: Carl Brown, Cobra Extermination Company AT 08:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, December 29 2013
The Crazy Ant Has Come Your Way!

Have you heard about the "Crazy Ant"?  If you haven't, you should at the very least be alerted to this phenom, as it could quite easily be heading your way.  This ant is like NOTHING you have ever seen before.  If you get infested with this ant, you will absolutely know as these infestations are huge.  

The crazy ant is primarily an outdoor ant and an infestation literally can cover a driveway, or an acre of land. They are extrememly hard to kill.  Some homeowners just come home at the end of the day only to find their propery covered in these creatures, or their driveway covered, corner to corner.  These ants mean business.  They're not like fire ant or termite, or normal ant colonies which normally occupy a specific and more localized area, they occupy large areas. For this reason, they can be extremely difficult to kill, just because of the large amount of pesticides that are required to kill an infestation.  Often times, again just because of the sheer size of the ant colony, they can easily recurr, and/or move to neighboring or adjacent property.  

Pest Control scientists are currently working on better means of eradicating these pests, and USA today just recently had an article on the Crazy Ant as well.  You can read that article here:

Cobra Extermintors can remove any of your ant problems, termites, or bed bugs. Call us if you need our services.  229.322.2904

Posted by: Carl Brown, Cobra Extermination Company AT 07:44 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, December 24 2013
How Are Bed Bugs Detected

Detection of bed bugs is actually not that difficult and can be done by the average person who is looking for them.  Bed bugs leave a lot of waste behing, for one thing, and if the creases and folds of a mattress are checked, one can often find these waste products, or can find the actual creatures themselves.  

If a person travels, we recommend checking these places in the room, as an infestation can be transmitted from one place to another by your luggage.  Keeping luggage away from a bed is also helpful, so keep it on a stand or other place in the room where you are certain that bed bugs cannot occupy.  As they feast on human blood, places humans do not rest on are often good places to keep luggage in.  

Cobra Extermination Company offers bedbug treatments if you find that you have an infestation.  We guarantee our work, and we can remove bed bugs from your home using our heat treatments.  We serve Cordele GA, Perry Ga, Albany GA, and Fitzgerald GA with excellent pest control work and bed bug removal.  

Posted by: John Lehmberg AT 07:22 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, December 09 2013
Why Are Bed Bugs Migrating So Quickly in Middle Ga including Cordele, Macon, and Americus ?

Bed Bugs can move quite simply with heat treatments! Bed Bugs can spread to cloth very simply and can easily be moved to other places from there, including bedding and furniture. The reproduction cycle is markedly sped up when they receive sustenance from blood, which is derived from biting humans. (we know, gross!)

In many cases people do not know they have an infestation until the infestation is quite severe, so we recommend using Thermal Remediation Electric units powered by our generators outside the structure. This raises the temperature in the room or structure to a temperature that the bed bugs cannot survive in. An electrical cord is usually run through a window and providing all the power necessary for the heating units. Maximum temperature is achieved 1-2 hours into the procedure and reaches a temperature of 120 degrees or more. 

This temperature in the structure or home is then kept there for approx, 4 hours, which kills the beg bugs. We monitor all treatments through a wireless monitoring system and we are able to see the exact temperatures from exterior location throughout the structure or facility.  We have had great success with heat treatments on bed bugs in the Cordele and Middle GA area.

We also do pest control in Cordele, as well as all kinds of extermination in Fitzgerald, Americus, and Albany

If you have any questions about our services, feel free to contact us at 229.322.2504 and we will be glad to assist you. 

Posted by: Carl AT 03:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email

About us

Cobra Exterminating was started in 1987 by Carl E. Brown Sr.  It is his passion, it is his career, and he's great at it.  Not only that, but he's an honest man who runs an honest business. (more)

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